Tuesday 24 November 2009

The problem of choice - Stranger than fiction

Choice is supposed to be a liberating concept, it's supposed to free us from the shackles of a prisoned life where we are forced to follow only one path. But too much choice is cripling. If the person presented with this choice is an over analytical soul, then he will often reject this choice and self destruct. Why make a choice when you can simply drift along in life?

Well, making a choice, even if it takes you down a wrong path is indeed better than making no choice at all. There is a beautiful illustration as to why this is the case in the film "Stranger than fiction." In this film Will Farrell is advised by Dustin Hoffman to stay at home, not to answer the phone, door, post, basically to cut out all communication. By doing this, he can prevent the plot/storyline/HIS LIFE! from progressing in a way that he deems out of his conrol. What happens is a balldozer comes through his window, forcing the social interaction from him regardless.

The message? You can't run and you can't hide from choice. Make decisions before life makes them for you.

(The day I take my own advice will be the day you see a genius emerge! Untill then..)

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